Have a Nice Flight

Like many words in the dictionary, there can be many meaning across a words usage. For example, when ready to board a plane someone might wish you well be saying “have a nice flight”. To a beer geek getting ready to test our a new brewery it holds a unique meaning of its own.

When traveling I want to try some of the local beer fare. While I know I have a limited amount of time available to sample new beer I want to try as many as practically possible. In the EFFICIENT BEER ACQUISITION article I share some rules I've found useful.

Have a Nice Flight

When I want to maximize my tasting options at a new brewery I like test flight, a row of 4 or 5 four-ounce samples. Red Rocks [Salt Lake City] was an easy walk from my hotel, so I stopped in for a few of their beers. I looked over the beer menu, asked if they offered flights. "We can give you two", was his reply. I tasted from my two and ordered a couple more. "Nah, you have to finish those before I can serve you any others", said my barkeep. "Really!" This tee shirt was inspired by the Deep Beer journal post - Beer On The Road: Utah