Have a Nice Flight

Like many words in the dictionary, there can be many meaning across a words usage. For example, when ready to board a plane someone might wish you well be saying “have a nice flight”. To a beer geek getting ready to test our a new brewery it holds a unique meaning of its own.

When traveling I want to try some of the local beer fare. While I know I have a limited amount of time available to sample new beer I want to try as many as practically possible. In the EFFICIENT BEER ACQUISITION article I share some rules I've found useful.

Stout Season

Stout Season — My Favorite Time of Year.

When the days grow short and a nip comes to the air, summer’s days have past and give way to autumn. And with this season comes many favorite things — the brilliant colors of the maples, sweaters, and stouts.

Oh yes, I love a great summer sipper like the next person, but beers have seasons. With Spring I look forward to Saison. October comes Märzens. But November, like the honking of the geese overhead, the stouts come out. Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout, Goose Island’s Bourbon County Stout and many other favorites.

The desire for a cold beer has subsided and now I want my beer warming, in temperature, taste and attitude. There are many autumn song playlists — just pick a genre. For me, make mine a stout. Yes, stout season is my favorite time of year.

Beer Geek

The Beer Geek Handbook: Living a Life Ruled By Beer. This was a book with many great gems if you whether you are already a full-fledged beer geek or someone just getting started on that path. Wherever you are on the path of beer geekdom, this is a fun and clever road map. It is full of pithy life lessons, beery vocabulary, and warnings of pitfalls that anyone who chooses to walk this path will benefit from. This tee shirt was inspired by the Deep Beer journal post - The Role Of Beer Books.

Have a Nice Flight

When I want to maximize my tasting options at a new brewery I like test flight, a row of 4 or 5 four-ounce samples. Red Rocks [Salt Lake City] was an easy walk from my hotel, so I stopped in for a few of their beers. I looked over the beer menu, asked if they offered flights. "We can give you two", was his reply. I tasted from my two and ordered a couple more. "Nah, you have to finish those before I can serve you any others", said my barkeep. "Really!" This tee shirt was inspired by the Deep Beer journal post - Beer On The Road: Utah

Barrel Aged - American White Oak

I simply find barrels fascinating. The fact that we can take something as simple as a wood plank, fashion it in a way that can create a liquid-proof container is amazing. And yet, the wooden barrel has been around for some 2,000 years. Beer aged in a bourbon barrel, or any liquor barrel for that matter, gets my attention. I love the complexity that this additional element brings to the flavor of a beer. Of course, working as a professional forester for 40-years helps develop a natural attraction. The white oak (Quercus alba) of which most domestic whiskey barrels are crafted from, has been a favorite tree for as long as I remember. Strong, majestic in form, and full of utility. This tee shirt was inspired by the Deep Beer journal post - Bourbon Barrel Genius.